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If you want a cat that will give you life-long devotion, then the Siamese is for you.

Oramor Seal Point Siamese


Disclaimer: Note my text.

Why are Siamese cats so special?
The Siamese cat is an energetic and opinionated breed that loves human companionship. Their bright blue eyes radiate intelligence and they love learning new things and exploring their environment. While their good looks might make them appear untouchable, the Siamese cat is very playful and quite a cuddle bug.13 June 2024

Looking like porcelain figurines, these Siamese fur-persons are truly living, breathing works of art!

“Oramor” Sensational Stylish Siamese are extraordinarily loving, highly intelligent,
inquisitive and elegant. 

“Oramor” Siamese are steadfastly loyal, being totally devoted to their owners!

"Oramor" Siamese are energetic and playful companions.

The Siamese communicates like no other and has enthralled people all over the world.  Most of the time they talk at a conversational level, and many Siamese seem to enjoy the spoken exchange with their owners.
The Siamese vocabulary can be quite extensive, much beyond meow and meow. 
They are renowned for their amazing voice.
The voice of a Siamese personality has been mistaken for a baby crying!

The Siamese originated in Siam, which is the Thailand that we know today.
This breed is thought to be the oldest or one of the oldest of the Pedigree cat breeds in the world.

They love companionship with their family and will not be ignored.
Siamese will follow you around the house, go for walks, play games, traits that they share with the family dog.  Siamese form a lasting bond of affection with their owners.

So, if the image of a sleek, graceful, blue-eyed, communicative, responsive and loving feline companion appeals to you, the Siamese is your cat.

The Siamese is for all those who want a full-on relationship with a character cat.

No shrinking violet, the Siamese both demands and provides extremely stimulating companionship.
The Siamese originated in Siam, which is the Thailand that we know today. This breed is thought to be the oldest or one of the oldest cat breeds in the world. They are renowned for their amazing voice. The Siamese communicates like no other and has enthralled people all over the world.

From an exotic past, the Siamese has become one of the most recognized breeds of cat in the world. A feature of the breed is its markings, or points of colour, on the face, ears, lower legs and tail. The body colour of the Siamese can be frosty white or cream, and the “points” range from the original seal point to tabby, tortie, red, cream, blue, chocolate and lilac point.
Whatever the colour scheme of the cat, the Siamese will always have vivid blue eyes.
Siamese kittens develop early and quickly and show an individual personality.
They are very active and dislike being left alone. They are “talkers”! One of the reasons they make such good companions is this ability to have a conversation.

Extremely intelligent and elegant, they insist on taking an active part in their owner’s lives. With such an interesting and individual personality cat you can be sure life will never be dull - they are excellent company for those wanting a loving, lively and entertaining companion....…


Foremost among these must surely be the Siamese's famous kinked tail - nowadays selected against by breeders but epitomizing earlier examples - whose origin is the basis for several charming stories. For example: one warm morning a beautiful Siamese princess decided to bathe in the palace garden's cool lake, so she threaded her valuable golden rings onto the long sleek tail of her beloved cat for safekeeping until she returned.

Unfortunately, the smooth rings persistently slid down the cat's tail and seemed destined to be lost - until he cleverly crooked the tip of his tail, thereby holding them securely in place. As the day was so warm, however, the princess did not return as swiftly as she had planned - several hours passed before she came back to her faithful cat and unhooked her rings from his tail. By this time, it had become very cramped, and the cat was overjoyed at the prospect of being able to straighten it again - but when he tried to do so, he discovered to his horror that it would not straighten. It had stiffened, permanently - and all Siamese cats from then on were born with a kink in their tail.

 Legend has it that the Siamese were originally temple cats and received the souls of mortals upon their deaths.

The Princess and the Ring Stand

Once upon a time (it starts, as all good stories do) in the ancient kingdom of Siam, there was a Princess of the Royal Household who loved to swim. Each day, she would make her way to her favorite bathing pool accompanied by her faithful feline companion.

Each day, she would take off her rings, and, for safekeeping, place them over her cat's tail. (The cat would bend its tail to stop the rings from falling off). Gradually, over the course of many years, the cat's tail developed a permanent kink.

And to this very day, there are still some Siamese cats born with kinked tails!

(This is true. There are. Although not as many as there used to be.)


                                            The Siamese is one of the oldest breeds of pedigree cat

                            The Siamese is one of the oldest breeds of pedigree cat, and over the years many stories have been told, for the most part romantic fables, but perhaps there is an element of truth in some of them. Certainly, they add to the charm of this most exotic, oriental and somewhat inscrutable breed.


Of all the pedigree varieties, the Siamese is the most instantly recognizable.
Long, lithe and elegant, with its distinctive darker 'points', it has always had great appeal.
Early Siamese tended to have eye squints and kinked tails, now regarded as serious faults, but with careful, selective breeding they have been mainly eliminated from the modern cat. Yet, these characteristics were once so prevalent that fables exist to this day 'explaining' how they were acquired.

It is said that Siamese cats were once sacred cats, guarding the Buddhist temples.
One day, a valuable goblet went missing and a pair of the cats was dispatched to find the
stolen treasure. After a long journey, the goblet was discovered and the female cat stayed to guard it while her male partner went back to tell the good news. So worried was she that the goblet might go missing again, that she wound her tail tightly around its stem and it became permanently kinked.
For days and nights she sat watching over the prized goblet, never lettering her eyes wander away, and by the time her partner returned, her eyes had developed a squint.
Later she produced a litter of kittens - all of which had kinked tails and squints, because of her vigilance in guarding the lost treasure.

Another fable relates to a Siamese princess who, fearing that her rings would be stolen, entrusted her Siamese cat to guard them, placing them on its tail for safekeeping overnight.
One night the cat fell asleep, and all the rings fell off her long slender tail and were lost forever.
The princess decided to tie a knot in the tail to stop this ever happening again; and this could be another reason why Siamese have kinked tails.

Siamese kittens have always been highly prized. It was considered an honor for any foreigner to be presented with one of the Royal Cats of Siam, and it was an offence publishable by death for one of these cats to be stolen from the Royal Court, let alone be taken out of Siam.

But, westwards they eventually came, and after many generations of selective breeding are now, along with Persian Longhairs and Burmese, among the most popular of pedigree varieties.

Siamese were originally a pale milky colour, with dark seal-coloured points on the paws, face, ears and tail. They have been known in this form for more than 200 years. In the late nineteenth century a Blue-point was recorded in the UK, but it is likely that this recessive colour had been around for some time before this.

Perhaps it was not so highly regarded in Siam, and was 'swept under the carpet' as the rich Seal-point variety was more highly prized.
Over the years, dedicated breeders have worked hard to produce other colour variations in Siamese,
but their names vary between the UK and North America.
We now have, not only the Seal point and Blue points, but Chocolate and Lilac (USA, Frost point), as well as the Red, Cream, Tortie and Tabby-points (USA, Colour point Shorthairs).

Character and Temperament

Siamese are typical of the Oriental group of cats and, like their near relations the Burmese, are a vocal breed with outgoing personalities. They are the kind of cat that you either adore or hate; they can be noisy and demanding and have a real need to be a part of the family.
To aficionados, these are the plus points and they would not wish for the Siamese to be any other way.
A Siamese does not like to be left on its own, so for anybody who is out at work all day, and only wants one cat, this is not the breed to select. 

If you want a cat that will give you life-long devotion, then the Siamese is for you.

                                                                         ORAMOR SIAMESE


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